NOLA Chic hits South Beach…and it gave me life

My gallery of pictures are worth thousands of words and speak for themselves, therefore I’ll save explaining how fabulous Miami Beach was!!! I’m packed and ready to go back now. Miami has to be one place that stole a part of my heart from New Orleans… I’m not sure if it was the beach, which we do not have here in New Orleans, or maybe it was the the ohh so HOTT Slay The Runway Fashion on Lincoln Mall and the all in your face stunting that was going on.. Money was everywhere, money was talking everywhere I went, stocks, bonds and the who’s who was shoulder to shoulder with me. I have always been in the among the elite, rich and famous, but always comfortable with being middle class. My Daddy had money, so I thought. Miami shows and spends.. I hear it’s the Russians there that’s bringing in all that dough..

Actually, this is my 1st time posting a blog without a story and it feels kinda naked in a sense.. I love telling my story..but I seriously think these 60+ pictures will take up enough of your time, but honestly I’m posting them for myself. I feel like my blog is my journal that all of you read. I talk to the computer, you all and get mad when you do not open up my journal, reverse of snapping on a family member for breaking the lock on ones most secret thoughts lol..with that being said I hope you enjoy my pictures.










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