My Mother’s Sacrifice

It wasn’t until I became a mature mother that I could look back on my experiences and perspectives to see how amazing my Mama was and continues to be. My Mama has shown me unconditional love and support all of my life. Her love for me did not waver through my turbulent hormonal teen years, making her a grandmother at thirty-five. I would not be the woman I am today had it not been for my Mama. My Mama sacrificed her dreams, desires, and responsibilities so my mistakes wouldn’t prevent me from furthering my education and achieving my goals. At times, she voiced her disappointment in my choices but never gave up on me and encouraged me all along the way.

Through it all, she has been there for me. I’m reminded of the poem “Footsteps in the sand” when I think she has always been there for me. My Mama is the only constant in my life. I do not need to physically feel her hold my hand to know that she has it.

We didn’t have much when we were younger, but my Mama always made a way out of no way. Her resourcefulness allowed us to use our creative minds in all areas of life. For example, my Mama taught me how to make delicious meals from scraps called “Create a Meal.” In addition, our days were filled with learning to appreciate the arts, culture, reading, and nature.

I have been blessed to show my Mama how much I genuinely appreciate her with gifts, but her sacrifices were priceless. But, unfortunately, my words or material gifts aren’t enough to convey how thankful I am to have her as a Mother and Friend. But while I still have life, I will be a vessel of purpose in honor of her.

In these instances, I wish to show my Mama just how important she has been in molding me into who I am. I want to thank Sister Spokesman for providing an event for me to do just so. Mama, Im grateful for your love, support, and encouragement that continue pushing me toward my goals and dreams.

May be an image of 2 people, including Jean Hollins

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