Book Review: Chronicles of a Serial Dater

I had the pleasure of meeting author the beautiful Ann Sorrell, Chronicles of a Serial Dater during this year’s Essence Festival in New Orleans. I remember the day like yesterday because I was running around New Orleans like a chicken with her neck cut off trying to meet her to do an informal interview and blog review. It was on a Sunday, the last day of Essence Festival and in the last thirty minutes, I made it in just enough time to chat with her, take a few pictures and grab a copy of her book on all things that come with dating the opposite sex.

Our Black Woman Magic was alive and at work in the atmosphere and we made it work. I look forward to working with her in the near future to engage you all via a live social media interview as we talk about the road frequently traveled in search for love. Until I would like to know if you are a ”Serial Dater”? I used to be, but worse I’m a Serial Fiance and possibly a Serial Wife. I have been engaged five times and married twice…

My thoughts on Chronicles of a Serial Dater

I absolutely loved Chronicles of a Serial Dater! Ann is full of life and love. The stories she shares will have you crying, laughing, questioning, and have you going down your very own memory lane of every relationship you’ve ever had. I really enjoyed her reading about her dating life over the years. Chronicles of a Serial Dater is just what it states. I really enjoyed reading dating testimonies over the years. Ann stays clear of the typical self-help relationship books. She allows you to sit in the passenger seat while she drives down Serial Dater Highway. Make sure you buckle in because she doesn’t follow love’s speed limits. Along the drive, she picks up some charming love interests; often kicking them out on the highway or check into the love hotel and stay for a while. I love that she’s not afraid to veer down the open road, she refuses to take you down the hidden backroads of her love life. She may hit a bump in the road, but she quickly recovers and describes the choices that left her blindsided that most of us can relate to. 

She uses her personal dating experiences to help others in their own dating life possibly. I love that each story highlights a specific, meaningful time in her dating life and how she describes how it affected her take on love and relationships. She ends each chapter with tips for us to use at her expense of going through a toll on Serial Dater Highway, but she charges it all to the game as she moves along the road.

Each chapter reads like the start of a great novel and will leave you wanting to know what happened to the man. Yes, the man he gets left in the dust too. Ann may look like the sweetest angel with beautiful brown skin, bright smile, and voluptuous body, but she’s not so innocent in the dating game. I was serious when I started she kicks them out on the highway! You will be surprised how often she played the role of vixen and heartbreaker. As you flip through the pages, you will find out that Ann gives a helluva birthday gift that results in a birthday breakup. Yessss, she’s a heart crusher. I really want to know what happened to that guy. 

Every single lady should read this book and live by it! It’s a book that states the obvious to us girls, but we are too wrapped up actually to see the situation for what it is. Ann leaves us with a true sense of ownership by allowing us to see both sides of our dating lives. At the end she leaves us with great Affirmations that will help guide us along the road of love.

Thankfully Ann was able to maintain a real and unique voice that offered a great spin on dating. Chronicles of a Serial Dater full of humor and wisdom, but will have you cracking up laughing not only at Ann’s flirtatious fun-filled experiences but remembering your own as well. 

Overall Chronicles of a Serial Dater, is an engaging, sassy, funny, and genuine, straightforward book that has given me a refreshing outlook on relationships. Not only does it give good advice for women, but men as well and lets them know that the excuses and certain behaviors are not acceptable point-blank period.

It’s a must-read! 

For more info or to buy the book please click link below.


Ann Marie Sorrell is a philanthropist, full-figured model, award-winning business leader, woman of faith, and emboldened enthusiast of the opposite sex. She lives out loud and is unapologetic in her support of the many causes that are important to her, which include: social justice, equality for all, issues impacting women and minorities, economic development and health & wellness. She is the President & CEO of The Mosaic Group, and Founder of MustAttend Events, Inc . Ann Marie earned a Master of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University and Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management from Florida A&M University. Ann Marie serves on several community boards and has won numerous awards for her leadership, business acumen, and community involvement.

The quest for love is very challenging for a busy professional, but it has not stopped Ann Marie in her pursuit to meeting and settling down with Mr. Right. Her journey through the good, bad, funny – and steamy – of dating and relationships inspired her to document the twists and turns as she believed certainly she could not be the only one experiencing these types situations. The writings lead to Chronicles of a Serial Dater. In her spare time, she enjoys music, dancing, golf, traveling, meeting new people and flirting. She currently resides in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Source and Photo Credit: Ann Marie Sorrell

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